
Archive for October, 2018

Francis Turretin, Institutes of Elenctic Theology, Nineteenth Topic: The Sacraments – Twenty-Fifth Question: Communion Under Both Kinds – Ought both symbols of the Eucharist to be administered according to the command of God to each and every adult believer? Or is the use of the cup to be forbidden to the people? The former we affirm; the latter we deny against the Romanists.

The Eucharistical cup was instituted by Christ as a symbol of the threefold mystical cup which is represented to us in the sacrament: (1) of the cup of the sufferings of Christ (cf. Mt. 26:39), of which it is a memorial in the wine which is poured out, (2) of the cup of grace and consolation, of which it is a seal in the cup which is extended to be drunk (cf. Ps. 16:5; 23:5); (3) of the cup of praise and of the giving of thanks, of which it is a testimony in the use of the cup, which we take with praise and thanksgiving (cf. Ps. 116:13) and which on that account, like the Passover cup, is rightly called "the cup of praise." Not without great sacrilege and a dangerous diminishing of the consolation of the pious is the communion of it taken away from the Christian people against the express command of Christ.

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There are hard texts in the works [of providence] as well as in the Word of God. It becomes us modestly and humbly to show reverence, but not to dogmatize too boldly and positively upon them. (Flavel, The Mystery of Providence, 141)

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